Our Services & Fees

We provide fee-only, fiduciary financial planning and wealth management services for every stage of life.

As a client, you’ll get a financial plan that addresses every major aspect of your financial life and is tailored to your unique goals, needs, and preferences.

We’ll address your most pressing needs first, but we’ll eventually cover everything from taxes and investments, to insurance, estate plans, and more with you.

And when (not if) life changes, we’ll work with you to make appropriate adjustments to your plan.

Elements of Your Financial Plan

We serve clients of all ages in different life stages, but the components of your financial plan are based on whether you’re “Near Retirement” or a “Working Professional.”

Near Retirement

Whether you’re planning to retire in a few years or recently retired, your plan will include:

  • Retirement readiness roadmap – We’ll determine how much savings you need to retire and a strategy for getting there faster
  • Retirement income plan – We’ll design a withdrawal strategy that factors in Social Security and pensions
  • Reducing taxes in retirement – We’ll review Roth conversions, tax loss harvesting, and other tax-reduction tactics for your situation
  • Investments – We’ll review your portfolio and make recommendations based on your risk tolerance and goals (learn about our investment philosophy below)
  • Health care – We advise on medical and long-term care options, and even help you enroll in marketplace or Medicare plans
  • Insurance optimization – We’ll review your home, auto, umbrella, disability, and life insurance to ensure your financial assets are adequately protected. We can work with your agent or help you find a provider.
  • Estate planning – We advise on wills, trusts, POAs, and beneficiaries (with an attorney involved), and we review the tax implications for you and your heirs
  • Gifting – We’ll identify tax-advantaged options for gifting to loved ones and charities
  • Concierge services – We answer questions like “should I annuitize my pension or take a one-time lump sum?” “should we take out a loan or pay for a new car in cash?” and more

Working Professional

You may be decades away from retiring, but you know you need a financial plan that addresses:

  • Savings strategy – The types of accounts you save in and what proportion you contribute to each are just as important as how much you’re saving. We’ll build you a custom savings plan.
  • Tax planning – We’ll optimize your situation, keep you appraised of key tax law changes, and review a draft of your return before you file
  • Investments – We’ll analyze your portfolio and recommend optimizations based on your risk tolerance and goals (learn about our investment philosophy below)
  • Education planning – We’ll create a strategy for paying off student loans and saving for your children’s college education
  • Employer benefits and job changes – We’ll help you get the most from workplace benefits. If you’re weighing a job or career change, we’ll run the numbers to show the effects on your long-term plan.
  • Insurance optimization – We’ll review medical, home, auto, umbrella, disability, and life insurance to ensure your financial assets are adequately protected. We can work with your agent or help you find a provider.
  • Cash flow planning – We can help keep your spending, debt, and saving aligned with your income and financial goals
  • Estate planning – We advise on wills, trusts, POAs, and beneficiaries (with an attorney involved)
  • Concierge services – Get answers to questions like “should we refinance this loan?” “what should I do with this inheritance” “should I change my business type to an S Corp?” and more

Our Fees (financial advisors are NOT created equal)

As fee-only advisors, we can only be paid by our clients. In other words, we cannot receive commissions or kickbacks from brokers, banks, or third parties. By eliminating these conflicts of interest, our clients’ best interests are always our number one priority. If there’s ever a potential conflict, we will disclose that so you can make the best decision. The fee you pay to us is based on how you’d like your investment accounts managed:

Financial Planning (up to 1 year) – You're comfortable managing your accounts and implementing our investment recommendations without help. The annual fee is based on plan complexity, ranging between $3,600 and $10,000.

Wealth Management (ongoing) – We manage your accounts and take care of all related tasks such as rebalancing, tax loss harvesting, and transfers. We also include comprehensive financial planning in this service. The annual fee is split into quarterly amounts and paid from your Charles Schwab accounts. Our standard fee is $12,500 for couples and $11,000 for individuals.

Our Investment Philosophy

We use a disciplined approach to investing that is based on the principles of Nobel Prize-winning research. We strive to help you maximize your investment returns, while minimizing the ups-and-downs of the market. All of our portfolios are managed on an individual basis suited to your unique goals and values. The major tenets of our philosophy are portfolio construction, diversification, cost minimization, disciplined rebalancing, tax efficiency, and simplicity. These are the areas of investment management that investors have the most control over, yet often they are neglected in favor of chasing hot funds or trying to time the market.


A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ is a practitioner who has met stringent requirements set by the CFP® Board of Standards in education, examination, experience, and ethics. The CFP® mark is the premier designation for financial planners and establishes a baseline of competency for practitioners. Quinn, Jean, and Eric are CFP® professionals, and all other planners are actively pursuing the education, exam, and experience requirements that take years to achieve.

Take the Next Step

Schedule a no-obligation 30-minute meeting. Tell us about your situation, ask questions, and get to know us a bit. There won’t be a sales pitch or any pressure to say yes.

Not ready for a meeting? It’s ok! If you're nearing retirement, get our free retirement checklist and our summary of key topics to consider in your retirement plan.

Need tips on saving for your kids' college educations? Get our college planning checklist and visit our blog.

Let's Get Started

You'll get the most value from financial planning if your specific goals and needs match a firm's philosophy and services. Let's learn more about each other.

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