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We provide content and quotes to local Iowa and national reporters on various personal finance and investment topics, including retirement, college financing, health care, taxes and estate planning. Learn more about us in our Media Guide.
The New York Times: Why Opening a Roth Account May Be a Good Move, No Matter Your Age
We were interviewed for this article in The New York Times about doing Roth conversions, and why they may make sense even if you are well into your retirement already.
The Wall Street Journal: Congress Ended a Tax Break. How That May Help Higher Earners.
New laws are set to require those making over $145,000 to save all catch-up 401(k) contributions to Roth accounts. While many enjoy the added tax deduction from pre-tax 401(k) savings, we see Roth savings as superior options for many savers. We were interviewed for this article in The WSJ about how those with high pre-tax savings may benefit from this change.
CNBC: How high earners can funnel money to a Roth IRA
For this article in CNBC, we provide information on savings options that high income households have. Many times savers utilize "non-deductible IRAs", however we find that there are often better alternatives.
CNN: Best ways for beginners to invest money
For this article on CNN, we were interviewed, along with several other advisors, to discuss tips for beginning investors. We covered the importance of starting to save early, even with small amounts.
USA Today: Do You Pay Taxes on CD Interest?
For this article in the USA Today, we were interviewed about the tax treatment of the interest from CDs (Certificate of Deposits). For some investors, alternatives to CDs may offer higher after-tax returns.
Yahoo Finance: 6 Cash Flow Mistakes Retirees Make
We were interviewed for this article about common mistakes retirees make regarding their cash flow. We focused on tax planning and creating tax-efficient retirement withdrawals. Too often, we see retirees wanting to continue to defer taxes even in very low tax years.
MSN Money: Best Retirement Accounts for Millennials
For this article on MSN, we discuss the options that millennials have for retirement savings, and highlight 2 accounts that should be their highest priority for savings.
US News and World Report 7 High-Return, Low-Risk Investments for Retirees
For this article in US News and World Report, we were interviewed about investments for retirees. We highlight the risk of inflation on a retiree's portfolio, and one particular option for reducing that risk.
Kiplinger: The 12 Best Things Rich Retirees Do
For this article in Kiplinger, we were interviewed about the habits of successful retirees. Our advice focuses on starting early, no matter how small, to take advantage of compound interest.
Yahoo Finance: 5 Common Retirement Missteps - And How To Avoid Them
For this article in Yahoo Finance we were interviewed to discuss common missteps we see in retiree financial plans. Our contribution includes a discussion on the dangers of differing taxes for too long.
Nasdaq/GoBankingRates Are You a Millionaire? 6 Key Signs That You Cannot Retire Yet
In this interview, we discuss items you need to consider before you retire, even if you have $1 million or more saved for retirement.
MoneyGeek: Term vs. Whole Life Insurance
Understanding the differences in life insurance options is important to be able to find the right type of policy for you. In this article, we discuss some of the pros and cons with whole life insurance. For most of our clients, we recommend term insurance.
AOL/GoBankingRates: 7 Ways To Build Wealth in Your 70s
Retirement is generally not considered a time to save or make money. But making sure your assets continue to grow is important. In this article, we focus on how tax efficient retirement strategies can you help keep more of your money growing in your retirement accounts.
MoneyGeek: Best Life Insurance for 60 Year Olds
Buying life insurance in your 60s or later is usually not needed for most households. In this article, we add a few things families should consider before purchasing additional life insurance later in life.
CBS News: Should you rollover your CD after it matures?
For this article on CBS News, we were interviewed to discuss what you should consider before rolling over money from maturing CDs.
KCRG (ABC): Inflation and Retirement: What you need to know if you’re planning a retirement now
Retirees face unique challenges with inflation hits. In this interview with KCRG we gave a few tips to protect your finances from inflation in retirement.
KSBY (NBC): Do You Need $1.46 Million to Retire?
How much money do you need to have saved for retirement? That’s the million-dollar question that most Americans believe will actually cost them more than a cool million, according to a new study from Northwestern Mutual. The financial services company found that Americans think they’ll need $1.46 million saved in order to retire comfortably.
In this article, we provide some clarity on that number, and how to more accurately calculate your number.
Yahoo Finance: 5 Money Moves to Make Before Retirement
From how you contribute to your retirement accounts to reconsidering your estate-planning strategy, here are money moves to make.
Bankrate: How to Avoid HELOC Prepayment Penalty
A home equity line of credit (HELOC) can be a useful financial tool if you have sufficient equity in your home and need a stream of cash. Let’s say, though, that you want to settle your HELOC balance early. It’s doable — but be aware, your lender might charge a HELOC prepayment penalty.
In the article, we provide some tips to reduce or prevent that penalty.
MoneyGeek: Life Insurance as an Investment
Life insurance is frequently sold as an alternative way to save and invest. In this article we make the argument that using life insurance as a savings vehicle is usually a bad choice.
MSN: Why the Number of 401(k) Millionaires Is Going Up and What You Can Do To Join Them
The number of 401(k) millionaires is going up according to new fourth-quarter data from Fidelity Investments. In this article we contribute to offer 5 tips to help you are on your way to becoming a 401(k) millionaire.
AOL: This Expense May Distrupt the Great Wealth Transfer - Unless You Are Prepared
The Great Wealth Transfer is a widely touted process where masses of retiring boomers will leave their Gen X and millennial children trillions of dollars in their estates.
The problem is that boomers are discovering higher than anticipated costs, forcing many to spend their precious savings on long-term care and unexpectedly high healthcare costs.
Yahoo Finance: I Lost My Retirement Savings in a Divorce: Here’s How I Made It All Back
For this article in Yahoo Finance, we were interviewed to discuss ways to recover financially from a divorce. Specifically, we cover where to go to find help with your finances.
GoBankingRates: Best States for Retirees if Social Security Gets Cut
In this article with GOBankingRates, we highlight Iowa as a retiree-friendly state due to its reduced taxation of retirement income and no tax on Social Security benefits.
NY Post: Should you invest in a long term CD?
For this article in the New York Post, we were interviewed about long-term CDs and when they are a good (or bad) option for your savings.
GoBankingRates: 5 Ways to Build Wealth in Your 50s
For this article on Go Banking Rates, we discuss how to build wealth in your 50s. We cover saving strategies, investing in yourself, and how to find help organizing your finances.
Fox Business: You can pay your taxes with a credit card — but should you?
Paying taxes with a credit card can provide flexibility and potential rewards, but consider the fees and interest rates carefully before deciding if it's the right choice.
MarketWatch: I have $1.5M and spend a modest amount. Do I need a Financial Advisor?
If you are in very sound financial shape, is having a financial advisor necessary? In this interview with MarketWatch, we cover topics that we help clients with every day that you might not expect. A good financial planner covers much more than just investments!
The Wall Street Journal: Should Retirees Pay Off Their Mortgage or Invest the Money? It Depends on the Math
In this interview with The Wall Street Journal, we look at what to consider before eliminating your home loan during retirement. If you have a majority of your assets in a tax deferred retirement account such as an IRA or 401(k), large purchases in retirement can lead to large tax bills. In the article, we talk about one way retirees buying a home can avoid this tax pitfall that many retirees find themselves in.
MoneyGeek: Buying Life Insurance on Your Parents
Does it ever make sense to purchase life insurance on your parents? Here's what to consider before being sold on a policy.
CBS Money Watch: Should you wait for mortgage rates to drop before buying a home?
The recent rise in mortgage loan rates has led many to pause their search for a new home. Do today's higher mortgage rates mean you should put off buying your next home? We were interviewed by CBS Money Watch to discuss what to consider before making that offer.
Comparison Adviser: How Dividends Fit Into a Financial Plan
For this article on Comparison Adviser, we were interviewed to discuss the role that dividends plan in a financial plan. Our comments focus on 2 main topic: The favorable tax treatment given to dividends, and the dangers of investing in high dividend investments.
MoneyGeek: Average US Retirement Savings
In this article, we provide some basic advice on getting started saving for retirement.
MarketWatch: That 5% CD sure is tempting — but here’s what not to use them for now
The recent rise in CD rates have made them popular investments for any saver looking for a safe return. But, CDs are not right for everyone. In this article for Marketwatch, we were interviewed to discuss alternatives that may make sense for certain savers and investors.
CNET Money: Brokered CDs: What are they and how do they work?
The rise in interest rates have led to much higher yields on cash saving options like CDs and money market funds. This has been most notable in an investment known as a "brokered CD", which is a certificate of deposit that you can purchase in your investment account. For this article in CNET we were interviewed about Brokered CDs, and the pros and cons of brokered CDs compared to traditional CDs available at your bank.
MoneyGeek: Life Insurance vs 401(k)s for Retirement Savings
Recently, some social media accounts have touted the value of insurance as a way to save for and fund retirement. We were interviewed for this post in MoneyGeek about saving for retirement with life insurance products vs your 401(k).
MarketWatch: Are you saving enough for retirement? What the average 401(k) balance looks like
How much should you have in investments before retiring? In this article, we were interviewed to discuss sustainable withdrawal rates and the general 401(k) savings environment today.
USA Today: What is an index fund?
We are strong proponents of low cost, passively managed investments. We were interviewed for this article in the USA Today about index funds, and how they differ from other investment options available to you.
Discover: How to Retire Early
Retiring before age 59.5 or 65 adds extra costs to your retirement. Without planning for these increased expenses, your retirement plan may be at risk. For early retirees, how you access retirement savings and get health care will be very different than traditional retirees.
In this article for Discover, we were interviewed to provide advice for those looking to plan for a successful early retirement.
MoneyGeek: How to Maximize Your Social Security
For this article in MoneyGeek, we were asked: "What do you think is the single best way to maximize your Social Security benefits?"
MarketWatch: What is a financial adviser and how do they work with you?
What does a financial planner do exactly? In this interview with MarketWatch we give some examples specifically around short and long-term "tax planning" and how we work in conjunction with CPAs to help clients reduce their tax burden over the course of their retirement.
CNET Money: Best CD Rates
When is a CD a good option for your savings? And when would an alternative, like a money market be better? We were interviewed for this article in CNET comparing CD rates today to alternatives, and discuss when each option makes the most sense.
MoneyGeek: Finding Affordable Life Insurance for Seniors
Determining the need for life insurance as a senior hinges on a few critical considerations. In this article, we answer a few questions to consider before purchasing life insurance later in life.
MarketWatch: My accounts are down - How do I know if my financial advisor has picked bad investments?
How do you know if your account losing value is just due to a bad stock market, or because your financial advisor has made poor decisions? For this interview with MarketWatch we help show a few things to look at to benchmark your performance against other investors.
The Gazette: Health insurance options in early retirement
For this interview with The Gazette, we discussed 3 options that exist for health insurance if you retire before turning age 65 and being eligible for Medicare.
We also discuss how important financial planning is when retiring before age 65.
Real Simple: 5 Money Moves to Make 10 Years Before You Retire
We provided some tips for this article in Real Simple for those retiring soon. If you're 10 years away from retiring, take these key steps to make sure your finances are in check!
MarketWatch: Is it ok to have a "play money" investing account?
In this interview with MarketWatch, we discuss what to consider when working with a financial advisor, but also having an outside "play" investment account.
MoneyTalk News: 8 Tips to Avoid Paying More for Medicare
We were cited as a source for this article in MoneyTalk News giving advice on how to avoid IRMAA, or the added surcharge on your monthly Medicare premiums.
KCRG: Federal Reserve Raising Interest Rates
The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates for the first time since 2018. In this interview we explain how this could impact consumers.
The Balance: How the Rich Use Roth IRAs Differently
Roth IRAs are one of the best retirement savings accounts for everyone. But they have certain features that very wealthy investors have used to their advantage. Here's how to make the most of your Roth IRA.
KCRG: How Iowa's proposed tax changes impact households
A recent bill proposes changing Iowa's current income tax rates to a flat 4%. We were interviewed by KCRG to discuss what that means for Iowa households, and particularly retirees in Iowa.
CNN: Should you rent or buy a home? Ask yourself these 3 questions
Deciding whether to rent or buy a home can have you talking yourself into financial circles. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your financial fitness, how long you plan to live in the home and what your cash flow looks like. In this interview with CNN, we talk about 3 questions to ask yourself to make sure you’re ready.
The Wall Street Journal: Should You Consider Early Retirement in a Recession?
As the coronavirus pandemic stretches on, it is becoming more and more common for employers to offer severance, separation, or early retirement offers to their employees.
While the lump sum payment can be enticing, what else do you need to consider before accepting an offer? In this article in The Wall Street Journal, we were interviewed to provide a few tips on adjusting your financial plan when an offer is on the table.
KCRG: How Rising Interest Rates Impact Consumers
The Federal Reserve is set to begin raising interest rates again. We were recently interviewed by KCRG to describe what this means for consumers, savers, and investors? Story as it aired on KCRG can also be viewed here, beginning at 11:15: https://www.vuit.com/publishers/1/kcrg-tv-91-news/vod#vod:20161804
MoneyGeek: Becoming an Investor in Real Estate Rental Properties
When is the right time to start investing in real estate? And what advice do we have for new real estate investors? We were interviewed for this article on MoneyGeek to help answer these common questions
Kiplinger: Earn 3.54% With Series I Bonds
Update: As of November the interest rates on iBonds are now 7.12%! With interest rates on most savings accounts and certificates of deposit paying well under 1%, the (current) 3.54% composite rate on newly issued Series I savings bonds is hard to ignore. We were interviewed for this article on Kiplinger about how iBonds fit into your cash savings strategy and what to be aware of before buying.
Yahoo Finance: What Millennials Can Learn From Gen X’s Money Mistakes:
In this interview for an article published on Yahoo Finance, we discussed one thing that millennials may want to do differently than their parent’s generation when it comes to retirement savings.
The Sun: How much you'll lose by withdrawing from retirement accounts early
Americans lose out on billions of dollars every year due to early withdrawal penalties from their retirement accounts. In this interview with The Sun, we talk about what to do to avoid those fees, and one of the few times paying those fees actually makes sense.
Legal Zoom: How Stimulus Checks Complicate 2020 Tax Filing
As another potential stimulus bill is being drafted, it may be at your advantage (or disadvantage!) to file your income taxes right away. In this article we were interviewed to discuss a few scenarios when it might make sense to file your taxes as soon as possible this year, and when it might make more sense to wait as long as possible.
Yahoo Finance: Americans struggle to tap home equity amid coronavirus pandemic
We were recently interviewed for an article in Yahoo Finance about the impact that coronavirus is having on those trying to tap their home equity for cash.
The general lesson? If you are, or plan to be, dependent on debt to make ends meet you should be aware that at times you need it most, debt financing may not be there for you. Having an emergency fund in cash is immensely important to have in times like we are experiencing today.
KCRG: Advice on what to do with your stimulus check
We were recently interviewed by KCRG on the topic of stimulus checks that were sent out due to the CARES Act.
We give a few priorities to consider; emergency savings, paying off debt, and saving. We also discuss the best place to save your stimulus check for tax efficiency and long term growth.
Forbes: The Unexpected Dangers Of Paying Off Student Loans With Your 401(k) Savings
A new bill circulating Congress proposes to allow college graduates pay their student loans tax and penalty free from their 401(k) – Is this a good idea?
For this article in Forbes, we were interviewed on whether those paying student loans should take advantage of this potential offer.
PublicServiceDegrees.org: 529 Savings Plans: An Online Guide for College Students
We were interviewed for this guide for the Student Training and Education in Public Service Organization which takes a thorough look at 529 college savings accounts. The article covers everything from opening your account to claiming the tax deductions for contributions.
MoneyGeek: Finding Affordable Health Insurance Before Medicare
We answer: What are the pros and cons of buying health insurance plans with cheaper premiums?
If I’m not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare, what other options are there for cheap health insurance coverage?
GoBankingRates: What the Next Election Year Will Do To Your Finances
As the election looms, uncertainty reins. It is always a mistake to make drastic changes to your investment plan based on politics. However, there are things you can do today to help hedge against potential changes.
In this article, we are quoted talking about the potential benefits of performing Roth conversions with the potential of an increase in tax rates.
Redfin: Tips to Save for a House Down Payment
A house can be the largest purchase you make in your life. And coming up with the money for a down payment can be tough, whether you are just entering the workforce, or retired.
We are quoted in this article by Redfin on the best way for retirees to come up with a down payment, without causing a large tax bill.
Wex Heath: Here’s Why an HSA Might Make Sense
HSAs (Health Savings Accounts) are one of the best tax deferred savings accounts available. As health care costs continue to rise, HSAs are becoming a vital tool for successful retirement planning.
We are quoted in the article on the importance of using a HSA to sock away money, even if you don’t need it right away.
Steps to Declutter Your Finances - MindBodyGreen
5 Things You Should Stop Buying After Age 50 - Best Life
How to Invest to Avoid Taxes - Buxfer
Iowa City Area Business Partnership - Iowa City Business Partnership
Top Personal Finance and Investing Youtube Channels - Reddit
How to lower the cost of your auto insurance - MoneyGeek
How to lower the cost of your home insurance - MoneyGeek
4 Social Security Tips for Retirement - Cashay/Verizon Media
Finding the best life insurance - MoneyGeek
10 Steps to Build Your Credit - RiseCredit
5 Tips for Investing in 2019 - HerMoney.com
More Than Just Investments - NAPFA Advisor
9 Moves to Make Right Now with $1,000 - Go Banking Rates (Aug. 2021)
How To Be a Stay At Home Mom, And Save For Retirement - HerMoney.com
(Podcast) FAFSA and CSS Profile – Differences and Highlights - AVEA Financial Planning
Investing in a Post-COVID World - Dr. Wealth
How to Start Saving and Investing - MoneyGeek
Planning for Retirement - MoneyGeek